Prepare For My Career
CAREER helps to educate and guide you to high-demand, high-wage jobs that best align with your skills and interests. The highlights below identify successful steps needed throughout middle and high school to prepare you and jump start your success. These steps can be found in Indiana Career Explorer, get ahead by accessing the planning tools and much more.
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What interests you? Begin to think about where your interests are and
what you can do with them.
Learn how education will play a role in pursuing your interests and begin to explore the occupations of highest interest Update your grade level plan at the end of the school year. |
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What are your work related interests? Take the ICE Assessments and
learn more.
Explore occupations that hold the most interest for you. Begin to explore what your options are after high school. Update your grade level plan at the end of the school year. |
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Assess your skills - take the ICE Assessments Review how your interests and skills compare. Select three pathways of occupations. Complete a job shadowing experience or interview someone in a career field. Create a resume. Take the Exploring College and Careers course. Participate in a high school orientation. Learn about financial literacy. If eligible, sign up for the 21st Century Scholars Program. Select a diploma path and complete a 4-year course plan. Make a tentative choice about your direction after high school. Update your grade level plan, complete items in K-5 grade level span, complete a graduation plan. |
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Take, re-take or review results of the ICE assessment
Explore occupations in your top 5 pathways
Select a tentative pathway of your highest interests - Select Your Career Pathway. Take the Preparing for College & Careers Course. Participate in an extracurricular or service activity. Watch "Paying for College 101". Consider eligibility for rigorous courses. Review options after high school. Update your e-profile, your graduation plan and your grade level results. |
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Take, re-take and review the results of your ICE assessments.
Review the composite report for the career interests and skills
confidence assessments.
Determine your skill / knowledge areas that need attention. Explore occupations of interest and develop a short list of jobs that you enjoy. Review your options after high school and prepare a plan whether you are going on to college, joining the military or going to work - be prepared!! |
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Retake the ICE assessments - consider your work-related values.
Attending school after graduation?
Prepare your list of schools and do some research. Visit those schools you selected that align with your area of interests. Visit workplace settings that align with your area of interests. Take college entrance exam (ACT or SAT) and/or the ASVAB. Search for scholarships or grants. Stay in the know - attend college fairs. Complete a work readiness test and participate in a workplace mock interview. Create / update your resume and personal statement. Enroll and complete at least one AP or dual credit course. Are you on track to graduate? Check your graduation plan, check your credits, be sure you know! Update your e-profile and your grade level at the end of the school year. |
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Attending school after high school? Narrow your list to no more than
3 schools.
Submit a minimum of 2 job and/or college applications. Watch "College Success 101". Planning to pay for school, be sure to attend a financial aid workshop. Be sure to know the deadlines for filing your FAFSA - Submit yours on time. Engage in rigorous courses including AP, dual credit and/or IB. Consider earning an industry certification. Participate in a work and learn experience (paid or unpaid). Stay in contact with your counselor - ensure no missed steps and your admission paperwork is completed on time. Update your resume. Planning to go to work after high school - start your job search early - know your skills and what industry you are interested in - stay informed. Update your e-profile. |
Check out the planning tools in Indiana Career Explorer to help you jumpstart your “after high school” life and career. The information below helps to identify what steps to take to get ahead and be successful. Check them out!
• participate in field trips | • complete a career interest inventory | • participate in a Reality Store or similar |
• participate in a career exploration day |
• participate in college/career classroom lessons |
• complete the Learn More Survey |
• sign up for a College Choice 529 plan |
• study Indiana Career Explorer |
• complete a job shadowing experience or interview someone in a career field of interest |
• take the Exploring College and Careers course |
• complete a graduation plan |
• create a resume |
• complete items in K-5 grade level span |
• participate in high school orientation |
• be exposed to financial literacy course |
• sign up for the 21st Century Scholars program, if eligible |
• select a diploma path and complete a 4 year course plan |
*Scholar Success Program Requirement for students who qualify for the 21st Century Scholars program
• Update Graduation Plan * | • participate in an extracurricular or service activity * | • consider eligibility for rigorous courses |
• take the Preparing for College & Careers course |
• watch ‘Paying for College 101’ * |
*Scholar Success Program Requirement for students who qualify for the 21st Century Scholars program |
• select a career pathway |
*Scholar Success Program Requirement for students who qualify for the 21st Century Scholars program
• take a career interest assessment * | • estimate the costs of college * | • review occupational demand |
• get workplace experience * |
• attend a college affordability workshop with a parent/guardian |
*Scholar Success Program Requirement for students who qualify for the 21st Century Scholars program |
• take a workforce readiness exam |
• determine readiness for college-level Math/ELA coursework and adjust schedule, if needed |
• take the PSAT |
• visit a college campus and workplace aligned to career interests * | • search for scholarships | • take a college entrance exam (ACT or SAT) and/or the ASVAB |
• attend a college fair | *Scholar Success Program Requirement for students who qualify for the 21st Century Scholars program |
*Scholar Success Program Requirement for students who qualify for the 21st Century Scholars program
• participate in a mock interview |
• create/update a resume and personal statement |
• complete or enroll in at least one AP or dual credit course |
• verify if on track to graduate on time |
• create a financial aid plan |
*Scholar Success Program Requirement for students who qualify for the 21st Century Scholars program
• submit at least 2 college and/or job applications * | • attend a financial aid workshop | • take rigorous courses, including AP, dual credit,and/or IB |
• watch ‘College Success 101’ * | • file the FAFSA * | *Scholar Success Program Requirement for students who qualify for the 21st Century Scholars program |
• earn an industry certification |
• participate in a work and learn experience |
• meet with a counselor to ensure all steps in the college admission process are completed on time |
• earn a Work Ethic Certification |
• attendance, punctuality, and doing one’s best effect learning & transfer to the workforce | • to identify and apply learning style | • career options related to interests |
• to work independently and within a group | • how to make responsible behavior choices that will impact learning |
• postsecondary options |
• the connection between academic success & postsecondary options |
• common expectations between school and workplace behaviors |
• factors to consider when selecting a career |
• persistence, resilience, and effort apply to future success |
• respectful behaviors |
• problem solving skills |
• strategies to reduce stress |
• conflict management |
• learning style application | • analyze test results to identify strengths | • high school options, including CTE |
• extracurricular options applicable to interests |
• perseverance towards work and learning |
• all postsecondary options and admission criteria |
• course options needed for desired education and career |
• skills needed for today’s workforce |
• career interests |
• factors to consider when selecting a career |
• how to use online tools to explore occupations |
• the relationship between education/training and life goals |
• respectful behaviors |
• Personal stressors and stress management |
• Interpersonal skills to work well with others |
• how to receive academic support when needed | • admission requirements related to postsecondary goals | • INDemand career choices and outlook for the future |
• increased confidence for achieving high quality outcomes |
• the relationship between postsecondary and career plans with current grades, courses, attendance, etc. |
• college costs |
• all postsecondary options |
• to locate job postings in careers of interests |
• to research career goals |
• investigate career clusters |
• to determine education & training requirements for careers of interest |
• to analyze career outlooks and opportunities for employment |
• articulate skills, knowledge, and abilities |
• effective interviewing practices |
• employability skills |
• respectful behaviors |
• ethical responsibility to others |
• healthy stress management strategies |
The 21st Century Scholarship provides eligible students up to four years of undergraduate tuition at a participating public college or university in Indiana.
Indiana Career Explorer is an online education and career planning system that gives you the tools you need to build a foundation for lifelong career success.
Our volunteers gain from the volunteering experience attributes that are critical in becoming successful in careers, some are: knowledge, self-worth, and the pride of knowing he or she made positive change in the community.
Learn about the main skills Indiana employers are seeking. Click the icon for a downloadable skills guide.
Motivated, with a passion for service. Peace Corps Volunteers are change makers, ready to partner with communities to make a difference. Every Peace Corps Volunteer is unique, and so is every Volunteer's service.
Ever consider serving your country? Click the flag icon to learn more about joining the military.
The Self Sufficiency Calculator measures how much income a family must earn to meet basic needs, with the amount varying by family composition and where they live.
JAG Indiana provides programs and support for students who have a higher risk of not moving forward with postsecondary education.
The College Cost Estimator helps you to calculate college cost, understand financial aid, discover ways to save for college and learn where financial options can be found.
Source of a variety of materials that can help students start thinking about college.
Indiana, where internship connections are made. It’s free, it’s easy, it’s a win-win for Indiana students and employers.
Direct link to scholar track for students enrolled in 21st Century Scholar Program
Offers three areas of focus for students including: Academic, Career, and Social/Emotional development. Explanation and guidance for each are available online.
Families can set aside money specifically for college-related expenses. Qualified withdrawals are tax-free and can be used for tuition, mandatory fees, books, supplies, equipment, and certain room and board costs.
The Indiana Adult Career Readiness Standards, vetted by Hoosier employers, are the essential competencies that all Hoosiers need for sustained employment in any career field.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) prepares you for high-wage, high-skill and high-demand careers. Industries include Agriculture, Information Technology and Engineering as well as some Healthcare occupations.
Explore your career choices based on how much you could earn. Learn if what you want to do will provide financial stability for your future
Survey provides information about the degree to which Indiana students in grades three (3) through twelve (12) make sound choices in areas that help students succeed in a rigorous curriculum and continue their education after high school.
Paying for College 101
The employability skills recognized in the Governor's WEC have been vetted by Hoosier employers, community based organizations and post-secondary education institutions and are designed to encourage students to meet the benchmarks that will assist them in their college or career goals.
The 21st Century Scholarship provides eligible students up to four years of undergraduate tuition at a participating public college or university in Indiana.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) prepares you for high-wage, high-skill and high-demand careers. Industries include Agriculture, Information Technology and Engineering as well as some Healthcare occupations.
Families can set aside money specifically for college-related expenses. Qualified withdrawals are tax-free and can be used for tuition, mandatory fees, books, supplies, equipment, and certain room and board costs.
The College Cost Estimator helps you to calculate college cost, understand financial aid, discover ways to save for college and learn where financial options can be found.
Learn about the main skills Indiana employers are seeking. Click the link for a downloadable skills guide.
The Indiana Adult Career Readiness Standards, vetted by Hoosier employers, are the essential competencies that all Hoosiers need for sustained employment in any career field.
Indiana Career Explorer is an online education and career planning system that gives you the tools you need to build a foundation for lifelong career success.
Indiana, where internship connections are made. It’s free, it’s easy, it’s a win-win for Indiana students and employers.
Offers three areas of focus for students including: Academic, Career, and Social/Emotional development. Explanation and guidance for each are available online.
The Self Sufficiency Calculator measures how much income a family must earn to meet basic needs, with the amount varying by family composition and where they live.
Explore your career choices based on how much you could earn. Learn if what you want to do will provide financial stability for your future
JAG Indiana provides programs and support for students who have a higher risk of not moving forward with postsecondary education.
Ever consider serving your country? Click the flag icon to learn more about joining the military.
Source of a variety of materials that can help students start thinking about college.
Paying for College 101
Motivated, with a passion for service. Peace Corps Volunteers are change makers, ready to partner with communities to make a difference. Every Peace Corps Volunteer is unique, and so is every Volunteer's service.
Direct link to scholar track for students enrolled in 21st Century Scholar Program
Our volunteers gain from the volunteering experience attributes that are critical in becoming successful in careers, some are: knowledge, self-worth, and the pride of knowing he or she made positive change in the community.
Survey provides information about the degree to which Indiana students in grades three (3) through twelve (12) make sound choices in areas that help students succeed in a rigorous curriculum and continue their education after high school.
The employability skills recognized in the Governor's WEC have been vetted by Hoosier employers, community based organizations and post-secondary education institutions and are designed to encourage students to meet the benchmarks that will assist them in their college or career goals.