Healthcare Diagnosing or Treating Practitioners, All Other:

All healthcare diagnosing or treating practitioners not listed separately.

Also includes

Naturopathic Physicians , Orthoptists

About the Job

Indiana Average Salary $63,210.00
Average Time to Fill 0 days
Typical Education Bachelor's degree
Typical Experience
10 Year Projected Openings (2016-2026) 350
10 Year Expected Percentage Change (2016-2026) 2.86 %

For more information on the new projection methodology, visit Hoosiers by the Numbers .

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Skills Profile

Essential (Soft) Skills

Essential Skills to Employers

Critical Thinking
Information Gathering
Attention to Detail
Customer Service
Oral Communication
Work Ethic
Following Directions
Written Communication
Computer Fundamentals
Learning Orientation

Top Job Duties and Responsibilities

Assisting and Caring for Others

Give medications or immunizations
Administer basic health care or medical treatments
Identify patient's current and past drug history
Employ preventative procedures with medical therapy patients or clients
Administer non-intravenous medications
Prepare patients for tests, therapy, or treatments
Treat medical condition of patient
Attend to patient's personal care
Administer blood or other fluids intravenously
Administer anesthetics or sedatives
Treat acute illnesses, infections, or injuries
Treat chronic diseases or disorders
Perform minor surgery
Administer intravenous medications
Refer patients to other healthcare practitioners or health resources
Provide in home patient care
Conduct medical tests
Follow protocols or regulations for healthcare activities
Perform medical surgery
Deliver babies
Conduct noninvasive medical diagnostic assessments
Develop medical treatment plans
Adapt activities to meet patient needs
Develop treatment plans
Conduct invasive medical diagnostic assessments
Administer enemas, irrigations, or douches to patients
Develop patient therapy programs
Treat dental problems or diseases
Administer medical injections
Conduct medical x-rays
Apply traction to patients
Treat psychological disorders and issues
Develop dietary care plans
Perform emergency medical procedures
Standardize drug dosages
Apply bandages, dressings, or splints
Treat patients using alternative medical procedures
Assist healthcare practitioners during examinations or treatments
Operate therapeutic medical instruments or equipment
Incorporate nutritional practices and techniques into menus, diets, or individual meals
Assist patients in performing breathing exercises
Provide care to women during pregnancy and childbirth
Assist practitioners in examining, evaluating, or treating patients
Test patient vision
Implement life support procedures
Develop treatment plans that use non-medical therapies
Administer rehabilitation interventions
Test patient heart functioning
Test patient lung functioning
Conduct diagnostic tests to determine patient health
Massage patient or client
Provide assistance in administering rehabilitation
Assist healthcare practitioners during surgery
Assist practitioners to perform medical procedures
Assist individuals with physical disabilities, handicaps, or illnesses
Provide care for mentally ill or special needs individuals
Assist individuals with mental or social disabilities, handicaps, or illnesses

Real-Time Job Posting Statistics

Booster Skills & Certifications

Job Seekers possessing booster skills & certifications, such as those listed below, added to core skills are more marketable, harder to find and expensive to hire.

Hard to Fill: Employers find positions requiring these skills to be hard to fill. These skills and certifications make a job seeker more in demand because the skills are not widely available.

Expensive to Fill: Employers find positions requiring these skills to be expensive to fill. Job seekers with these skills and certifications are likely to earn more money.

Skill or Certification Certi - fication Hard to Fill Expensive to Fill
Emergency Medicine
Osteopathic Medicine
Practicing Medicine
General Practice
Electronic Medical Records

Equal Opportunity is the Law. (La Igualdad De Oportunidad Es La Ley.)
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.